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A Quiet Stream/A Beautiful Sunrise/Current Hatch Flying Just Above The Surface
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yeah! Not Gonna!



  Something as old as the pyramids and as new as the 
  latest hatch.  That feeling of standing in the stream 
  feeling the water run past your legs.  Knowing that this
  will be not as much a contest between you and the fish 
  but more between you and yourself

  Knowing that it is a wonderful and unique experience, 
 one that can never be duplicated but only fondly stored 
  in your memory to be replayed when you need to once 
  again feel the magic.

                                                                        Try it and see...

visit our blog at blog.9flies.com

9 flies..............how many I usually leave in a bush/tree/cactus

This is NOT a trout!!!
Cooler weather calls for some changes in your fishing techniques.  The fish tend to go deeper and are a bit more wary.  Switching to a wet fly and fishing a little slower usually works best.

Even the dog wants to get into the act!